Thursday, 17 March 2016

In contrast, other followers questioned whether Muslims should be even focusing on the debate of celebrating the Prophet’s birthday, and argued that the focus should be on greater problems that Muslims around the world are facing. For example, Hasib listed the issues concerning Muslims such as "poverty, racism, Islamophobic attacks on women and elderly, children, and hunger". 

On the right is a powerful and shocking  picture uploaded by Shafraz Jeal on Dawah Man's Facebook page. Through which he is expressing the view that Muslims "have bigger issues to worry about!".
Still these pictures and comments had no effect on both the preachers as the argument between them took another twist for the worse. Whilst the meetings were being arranged, both parties were recording each other's phone conversations and these were uploaded later by both sides onto social media to expose the opposite party. Overall, the debate had a negative effect on the reputation and dignity of both the preachers. In the following video Dawah Man presents the voice recordings. 

                                                        Below is  a video by Imam Hussain.

The above videos were longer, I have shortened these to give an indication of the way both  Imam Hussain and Dawah Man used voice recordings (the full videos have been linked to the preacher's names). Above was the last video uploaded by Imam Hussain. After this Dawah Man uploaded a final video and then eventually the debate between the preachers came to an end.

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